Zara Commodities (Pvt) Limited , being clearing and Broker Member of Pakistan Mercantile Exchange (PMEX) offers Trading in listed Futures Contracts of the exchange. Traders benefit from direct access to deep liquidity and execution All this is done efficiently through API Integration on STP basis with further clearing counterparties so as to deliver following extra advantages to our valued customers:
- Inter banks prices and spreads with no commissions
- No dealing desk execution
- Straight through processing with exchange liquidity
- No conflict of interest
ECN can best be described as a bridge linking smaller market participants to tier-1 liquidity providers through a PMEX Broker on STP basis.
This linkage is done using sophisticated technology setup named FIX Protocol (Financial Information Exchange Protocol). At one end, the broker obtains liquidity from tier-1 liquidity providers and makes it available for trading to its clients. On the other side, the broker delivers clients’ orders to Exchange Clearing House for instant execution.